Friday, September 16, 2011

A Family Milestone

  Well...we survived hurricane Irene without incident.  An incredibly kind family from church lent us a generator for the storm.  Our lights only flickered a bit on the night of her passing, but we never lost power.  The family came to collect the generator the next morning, as one of their family members WAS without power.  There were trees and fences down throughout our neighborhood, our yard was covered with tree limbs, but NOTHING compared to surrounding areas where flooding and damage was much more severe.  We were/are so thankful.
   Life has been pretty low key...well until I got an idea to take a trip.  My dad turned 82 years old on Monday, and I really felt compelled to surprise him in Buffalo for his birthday:)  I found a couple cheap flights on Southwest and with David's ok and my Floridian sister already being in Buffalo and willing to be my chauffeur, I booked my flights and made arrangements to go.  The longest I have ever left Noah has been to substitute teach for a whole day...about 8 hours...A LONG TIME for me!!  Well, I was scheduled to leave at 5am and return at 10pm...17 HOURS!!!!!  Now, I know, you are probably thinking...JUST THE DAY???  Yes, just the day.  Noah's nights are tough...I would not and could not expect David or Emma to do a night with Noah....not yet.  Hey, this was a HUGE milestone for the Addesa family... for me....for Noah!
 My dad was mom cried ....and cried...and my dad kept saying all day long, "This was the best day!".  I have not been to Buffalo in almost 6 years, and have only seen my parents once in the last 4 years, last year for Hannah's wedding.  This meant so much to meant the world to me!!  I am so thankful for a husband and daughter who did nothing but encourage me to go...I love them so!  It was alot of work for the two (David had his Monday meeting at the house and Emma skipped a class at TCC)... and Felicia, Noah's best friend's mom who helped get Noah dressed when she came to sit with him on Monday... at the end of the day we were all very tired...but WE DID IT...and it was the most wonderful day!!! Here's a picture of me, my dad and my sister Rebecca,  and one of my mom and dad:

I will say, when I got home, Noah gave me a HUGE smile...something he rarely does for me( I guess because I'm a "fixture")...I can't tell you how happy that made me...a perfect ending to a perfect day...Love you, Dad!!